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Ghana's Sanitation and Water Resources Minister, Cecilia Abena Dapaah, has tendered her resignation after a significant amount of money was found at her residence in Accra. 
Domestic staff members have been accused of stealing and hiding over $1 million in cash, €300,000, and several million Ghana cedis, along with personal belongings. 
This revelation has caused public outrage, leading to calls for a thorough investigation into the source of the funds. In response, Minister Dapaah has expressed her willingness to cooperate fully with state agencies to establish the truth.
The discovery of such a large sum of money at the residence of a government minister has sparked widespread concern and raised questions about corruption in Ghana. 
The public's reaction reflects the people's desire for transparency and accountability from their elected officials.
The incident has led to demands from Members of Parliament (MPs) for a comprehensive investigation. The purpose of this investigation would be to determine the origin of the funds and to determine if any illegal activities were involved. This process is crucial to maintain public trust and ensure the integrity of Ghana's political system.
Minister Dapaah's resignation is an important step towards addressing the concerns raised by the public. 
By stepping down, she acknowledges the seriousness of the situation and allows for a thorough investigation to take place without any perceived conflicts of interest. This decision also demonstrates a commitment to upholding the principles of good governance and ethical conduct.
The Minister's statement expressing her willingness to cooperate fully with state agencies is a positive move. 
It signifies her understanding of the need for a transparent and impartial investigation. By cooperating, she can contribute to the process of uncovering the truth and restoring public confidence in the government.
The Ghanaian public deserves a government that is dedicated to serving their best interests. Instances like these, where large sums of money are found in the possession of public officials, erode public trust and cast doubt on the integrity of the entire government. 
The resignation of Minister Dapaah and the subsequent investigation will hopefully serve as a reminder that no one is above the law and that accountability will be upheld.
The resignation of Ghana's Sanitation and Water Resources Minister, Cecilia Abena Dapaah, follows the discovery of a substantial amount of money at her residence. 
The incident has generated significant public outcry and calls for a thorough investigation into the source of the funds. 
Minister Dapaah's decision to step down and her commitment to cooperating with state agencies demonstrate a recognition of the need for transparency and accountability in governance. 
This incident serves as a reminder that the Ghanaian public expects and deserves responsible leadership that operates with integrity.