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In a significant development for regional security, Somalia has carried out a successful attack on members of the terrorist group Al-Shabaab, killing over 100 fighters.
The attack, which involved both air and ground operations, aimed to neutralize the ongoing threat posed by Al-Shabaab to Somalia and its allies.
The operation was carried out in cooperation with the Somali National Army (SNA) and with the support of the US Africa Command.
The Al-Shabaab group has been responsible for numerous acts of violence and indiscriminate attacks, targeting the US Africa Command, the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), the SNA, and even innocent civilians.
These attacks have caused significant damage and have negatively impacted the country's economy.
The recent attack, conducted in the Gal Libaax and Ceel Qurac regions of central Somalia, resulted in heavy losses for the terrorist group.
The collaboration between the SNA and the US Africa Command proved instrumental in the success of this operation. While the exact number of injured soldiers was not disclosed, it is evident that the attack inflicted significant damage on Al-Shabaab forces.
During the operation, a large cache of weapons and military vehicles was seized, further weakening the capabilities of the terrorist group.
Additionally, authorities arrested and charged several individuals believed to be affiliated with Al-Shabaab.
It is worth noting that the US Africa Command has not officially confirmed the attack, as it typically conducts a thorough assessment of the impact before making any announcements.
However, the presence of US troops in Somalia and their ongoing efforts to combat Al-Shabaab is well-documented.
Over the past week, local forces operating in coordination with international allies have targeted Al-Shabaab in the Central Juba, Lower Juba, and Shabelle regions, resulting in the elimination of more than 200 fighters, according to government statistics.
The US Africa Command has been conducting aerial surveillance and providing support during these operations.
The increased intensity of operations against Al-Shabaab in recent weeks highlights the commitment of the Somali government and its international partners to eradicate the threat posed by the terrorist group.
Plans are currently underway for a second operation in Jubaland and southwestern provinces, with both the US Africa Command and AMISOM troops ready to assist the Somali armed forces.
The successful attack on Al-Shabaab by the Somali National Army, with the support of the US Africa Command, marks a significant step towards enhancing regional security.
These operations demonstrate the determination of Somalia and its allies to combat terrorism and protect the country's citizens.
While the fight against Al-Shabaab remains ongoing, the recent successes bring hope for a more stable and secure future for Somalia and the region.