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In a shocking incident that has stirred up the local community, a couple has been apprehended for criminal trespass after they were allegedly found engaged in intimate activities on their neighbor's matrimonial bed. 
The 23-year-old man and his 35-year-old lover were caught in the act in a house belonging to Margaret Awino, a resident of Apac Municipality. 
This incident, reported by concerned friends who had been struggling to keep it under wraps, marks the first of its kind in the area, according to the local Village Inn LCI chairman.
According to eyewitnesses, the suspects had returned from a drinking joint charged at around 10 am before sneaking into Margaret Awino's house without her permission. 
They indulged in their activities and eventually fell asleep on the bed. Meanwhile, Ms. Awino was away attending to her tomato farm.
The Village Inn LCI chairman, Mr. Bosco Akwanga, expressed his astonishment at the incident, stating that in his ten years as the LCI, such a shameful act had never been reported in the area. 
He emphasized that if the couple had been genuinely in love, they should have sought privacy in a lodge or a secluded area to satisfy their desires.
The District Police Commander, Mr. Rogers Kafere, explained that the charges of criminal trespass were based on the law which clearly states that entering someone's property without authorization or permission constitutes a criminal offense. 
He highlighted the importance of respecting the rights of others and obtaining consent before entering someone's premises.
Mr. Alfred Jokene, an area elder, mentioned that in the past, individuals involved in such incidents would be required to compensate the affected party by purchasing new beddings and performing a cleansing ritual, often involving the slaughter of a goat. 
However, he noted that with the implementation of the criminal trespass law, the judicial system now handles such cases.
The arrest of a couple for criminal trespass after being caught engaging in intimate activities on their neighbor's bed has sent shockwaves through the community in Apac Municipality. 
The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting boundaries and seeking proper authorization before entering another person's property. 
The legal repercussions faced by the suspects highlight the seriousness of such offenses. As the investigation continues, it is anticipated that this incident will serve as a deterrent, promoting greater awareness and adherence to property rights in the region.