Former Forum for Democratic Change President Dr. Kizza Besigye has reportedly noted that he has no intention for DNA and does not support the recent trend where individuals are performing DNAs.

The former presidential aspirant noted that he is not pleased with the manner numerous individuals are “jumping” on the DNA frenzy, adding that such a condition will most likely threaten our family institution.

“I have no intention to do DNA, anybody who calls me Dad is my kid,” Dr. Besigye noted.

“I have a distinct viewpoint about kids every kid is your child. If you discover a kid in hardship you have to provide them attention like they were yours,” he noted.

Dr. Besigye contended that such issues will most likely affect the state layout, with family being the cornerstone of the state.

“We are in a crisis where the family institution is being jeopardized. There is a deterioration of the social fabric and the destruction of the family is otherwise the ruin of the State.”

Meanwhile, the state has ruled that only two laboratories in the nation are authorized to hold paternity DNA testing in the nation.

The conclusion arrives at a moment when families across the nation are pursuing to determine biological parentage through DNA examination.

Citing the official verdict, by the state through the Health Ministry, only two laboratories in the nation are authorized for carrying out paternity DNA examinations.

The accredited laboratories comprise the MBN lab along Nakasero Road and the state diagnostics lab in Butabika.

Citing the health ministry, Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, the decision by the state aims to regulate the paternity DNA testing procedure, guaranteeing reliability, accuracy, and standardization in the results acquired.

As part of the verdict, all other labs are prohibited from holding out such examinations or sending DNA samples outside the nation to retain accuracy levels.