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In the latest developments tonight, a bus owned by the Link Bus Company has reportedly been involved in an accident on Tuesday around Katobire between Rugombe and Mukunyu Town Council in Kyenjojo district.

The deadly accident appeared after the bus with license Number UAY 485E rammed into a stationary truck loaded with Timber.
Eyewitnesses reveal that the driver perished on the spot but other details considering other travelers on the bus are still scanty.

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This misfortune arrives at the backdrop of escalating deadly accidents on the highways, Thursday night tycoon Apollo Nyegamahe popularly known as Aponye perished on the spot when his Toyota land cruiser rammed into a parked Fuso loaded with Irish potatoes. A day after, a former member of parliament for Otuke North Gutmoi Charles died in an accident.

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Meanwhile, in May last year, a link Bus turned off the road around the Sebitoli trading center in the Busoro sub-county in the Kabarole district along the Fort Portal-Kyenjojo highway and 21 people perished.