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The current situation at Makerere University involves controversy surrounding the allocation and use of guild funds by the 89th guild president, Maseruka Robert, and the speaker, Gozan Wilson Babinga. 
The guild house assembly, which was last held in June, failed to pass their budget due to disagreements over the guild budget seal. The session ended in chaos and was subsequently adjourned to the following semester.
However, the speaker, Babinga Gozan, with the support of the clerk, Gillian Nahwera, has called for a budget session this week, going against the earlier adjournment. 
This move has been met with resistance from some General Representative Council members, particularly those in the revolutionary government, who argue that it is an attempt to misuse student funds. 
Talent Akampulira, Johnmary Kayiira, and Ssemanda Isaac filed a petition expressing concerns that holding a budget session during the holiday season would be inconvenient for those doing internships. 
They also suggested that physical attendance should be facilitated instead of an online session, as it is difficult to determine quorum online.
The tribunal has responded positively to the petition, instructing the speaker not to proceed with the budget session. 
However, it has been recently revealed that the speaker has disregarded the tribunal's ruling and plans to proceed with the budget session regardless.
Beston Mutambi, the acting leader of the Opposition, has criticized the previous budget session, citing disorganization from the finance minister. 
He believes that there is no need for a budget session during holidays and has encouraged fellow GRCs to boycott the planned session.
An anonymous source has alleged that the speaker and the guild president are colluding to hold an online session to easily pass their budgets. 
The source claims that they plan to manipulate attendance to meet the required quorum.
This situation highlights the importance of transparent and accountable governance in university institutions. 
It also emphasizes the need for proper procedures and adherence to the rule of law when it comes to the allocation and utilization of student funds.
Makerere University guild receives an annual allocation of 328 million. In the previous term, the guild, led by Maseruka Robert, expressed their desire to increase this amount to a minimum of one billion.