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The Lumumba Hall community at Makerere University has faced challenging times over the past four weeks due to the recurring deaths of its members. Recently, on Friday, another death was reported at the hall, which is currently undergoing renovations.
Amanya Ambrose, a recent graduate with a bachelor's degree in computer engineering and a former resident of Lumumba Hall, tragically passed away. He was involved in a fatal accident. Amanya had also served as the 85th GRC (Guild Representative Council) of the School of Engineering.
This unfortunate incident adds to the two previous deaths that occurred in Lumumba Hall. On June 21st, Sebastian Batiyo, also known as Rasta Batio, was discovered dead in the Mulago mortuary after being missing for a week. Sebastian was a performing arts student and a beloved member of the Lumumba Hall community.
Shortly after Rasta's burial, Byamukama Medard, a visually impaired student studying social works, passed away on July 13th while staying at Mitchell Hall. Byamukama was also a Lumumba Hall resident at the time of his death.
With the passing of Amanya Ambrose, the number of deaths within the Lumumba Hall fraternity continues to rise. Amanya will be laid to rest in his ancestral home in Rukungiri on Sunday.
We extend our deepest condolences to the grieving families and pray that the souls of the deceased may find eternal peace.