A few weeks following ADF's raid on Rubiriha Secondary School, police apprehended two senior learners who jotted down an unidentified letter in which they jeopardized bombarding their school in Kasese and others in the Sheema district.

Citing police spokesman, Fred Enanga, 16-year-old Mwesigye Innocent, and Ayebare Amon, 17 both students in senior one at St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School in Sheema district were apprehended after writing the letter.

“They authored an unidentified terroristic letter against their school. In that unspecified terroristic menace, they were cautioning school officials that there were schemes of a terror raid on St.Charles Lwanga and two other schools in Kasese. At the end of the letter they autographed off as ADF insurgents,” Enanga noted.

Citing the police spokesman, after a thorough inquiry and coordination with the school administration, police were able to apprehend the two learners who subsequently confessed to writing the letter.

“On interrogation, they conceded to having written the unknown letter. They contended they wanted to frighten the school management for having penalized them after one of the dormitory prefects reported them for indiscipline.”

Police revealed that the two learners are presently in custody in Sheema and an exercise book where they pulled out a paper on which they authored the threat has been recuperated.

Citing police, the letter shall be subjected to investigation by a handwriting specialist.

Police inquiries have demonstrated that before the letter threatening a raid on the school, several learners at St.Charles Lwanga had been suspended over drug abuse and the two had been penalized for threatening to ignite the school dormitory.

“We want to caution learners that making threats of violence of a terror raid or use of fire or kidnapping is not a joke but an illegal issue. We are going to ensure the two learners are prosecuted in courts for threatening brutality and remanded to child center.”

The development arrives on the backdrop of a raid by ADF insurgent cum terrorist faction on Rubiriha secondary school in Kasese the previous month in which over 40 learners were slaughtered.