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The Mbalala police in Mukono District are currently investigating a case involving a male student from Makerere University School of Law accused of sending love messages to another male student from the same university. 
The case was reported by Mr. Karungi Lawrence, a third year student of Bachelor of Commerce, to the local police station.
According to Mr. Karungi, the incident occurred when he visited a friend in one of the hostels near Makerere University. It was during this visit that he encountered the accused student, with whom he exchanged phone contacts. 
Unbeknownst to Mr. Karungi, the accused student had developed an interest in him and began sending him love messages on WhatsApp.
Despite Mr. Karungi's clear declaration of being straight, the accused student persisted in sending love messages, which greatly annoyed him. 
Frustrated by the continuous harassment, Mr. Karungi took the matter to the Mbalala Police Station, where he filed an official report. He provided the police with all the WhatsApp messages as evidence to support his case.
Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson, Mr. Patrick Onyango, confirmed that an investigation is currently underway. "We have received the report from Mr. Karungi, along with the evidence of the love messages. We are taking this matter seriously and will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the appropriate action," stated Mr. Onyango.
The incident has sparked discussions about sexual harassment and the persistence of such behaviors. Dr. Euzobia Mugisha Baine, the head of Gender Mainstreaming Directorate at Makerere University, emphasized the importance of addressing such issues within the educational institution. "We take allegations of sexual harassment very seriously. It is crucial that our students feel safe and protected on campus," said Dr. Mugisha Baine.
However, the accused student denies any involvement in the alleged incidents. In a statement, he claimed that these accusations were part of a smear campaign against him as a human rights defender. "These are baseless claims orchestrated by anti-gay campaigners and the government to undermine my work," he asserted.
The investigation is ongoing, and the police are expected to thoroughly examine all the evidence presented in order to determine the appropriate course of action. The case highlights the need for universities to prioritize the safety and well-being of their students, ensuring that instances of harassment are promptly addressed and resolved.
In conclusion, the allegations of love messages between male students at Makerere University School of Law have brought attention to the issue of sexual harassment within educational institutions. The police investigation will shed light on the veracity of these claims and determine the necessary actions to be taken. It is essential for universities to create an environment that fosters respect and safety for all students, regardless of their sexual orientation.